Power Moves: Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose
An invaluable career resource for women feeling stuck or unfulfilled that combines actionable advice, learning tools to make impactful life changes, and an in-depth discussion of how to build a meaningful career on your terms.
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Are You Guilty of These Common Career Traps?
+ Have you been chasing the “dream job” your entire career?
+ Have you taken “all the right steps” only to still feel unfulfilled?
+ Do you constantly compare what you have to what others have?
+ Do you wear “busyness” as a badge of honor?
+ Are you more focused on getting what’s next rather than what you have?
+ Are you trying to improve without evolving?
Imagine If…
+ Your behavior is 100% rooted in your own personal values
+ You find joy in the actual process of developing your own career
+ You have the foundational tools to build a successful career suited for you (and only you)
+ You are inspired to develop your own Power Moves approach so you can reboot your career
+ You always feel in control of your career—even as you navigate pivots and face unknowns